서울 신청사가 실렸습니다- [Blob!: Round Shapes, Fluid Forms]-Chris van Uffelen
press & exhibition/publication 2015. 11. 20. 14:50서울 신청사가 유럽의 BRAUN publishing에서 편집 출간한 "Blob!: Round Shapes, Fluid Forms" 라는 책에 실렸습니다. 전세계에서 최근 6년간 실현된 프로젝트 중 'blob architecture' 라 할만한 건축물을 선정하여 모아논 책으로 11월에 발간되었네요! 국내에는 아직 정식 발간되진 않았지만 아래 amazon 에 실린 책 소개와 신청사 페이지를 사진으로나마 공유합니다!^^
The term "Blob Architecture" was first used in 1995 by Greg Lynn to describe biomorphic buildings, whose complex forms were created with the help of computers. Initially only used to describe organic, rounded objects "Blobitecture" today comprises and inspires many variations: from the classic, computer-generated blob to the experimenting with new, sprawling shapes, up to the combination with deconstructive elements or parametric architecture.
On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of blob architecture, this volume features the best contemporary projects and provides an extensive survey of current developments. Buildings from all around the world are presented, created by famous architects and promising newcomers and ranging from large-scale projects to temporary installations. They all have one thing in common – even after twenty years blob architecture remains as freshly interesting and promising as ever.