싱가폴에서 온 Wonghengj ie lan은 1월부터 iArc-Internship에 참여하고 있습니다~




[ie lan Said]
-In preparation for my thesis, I thought about going abroad to broaden my experience and knowledge regarding architecture and design methodology. Working in iArc for about more than a month now has taught me many things and more that goes beyond architecture.  The working atmosphere here brings a sense of cohesiveness, creativity and a great learning environment. The people in iArc are exceptionally helpful and friendly from the day I arrived. Although I am striving to learn the Korean language, the language barrier presents itself as an emphasis on visual graphics, allowing me to further understand and form ideas graphically. I have really enjoyed my stay in iArc and Korea so far and I am glad I took the leap of faith to venture here alone. I hope to learn and broaden my mind not only architecturally but also culturally in the months to come.



Posted by iarc


아이아크와 함께했던 인턴분들의

인턴쉽 종료일에 마련된 Good bye Party의 모습들


다과를 향한 빠른 손놀림, 성현씨^^


다과를 보고 너무 신이 나  헤드뱅잉을 시도하는 고팀장님^^^


3월부터 7월까지 5개월간 아이아크와 동거동락한 폴란드 브라더!!

Marcin !  I'll miss you ;)


'인턴 종료일 4시'에는 인턴이 쏜다는 전통?을 이어

심민중 인턴님이 준비한 도넛들!


덕분에 혈당이 급속하게 낮아지는 4시를 버틸 수 가 있었어요!

민중씨 한국에 들어오면 아이아크 놀러오세요  = )!!!


며칠 후, 맛 본 다른 종류의 도넛은 인턴 세정씨의 선물이었습니다.


덕분에 저희는 집중력이 급격히 떨어지는 4시에 당을 섭취할 수 있었답니다.



종료일까지 화이팅해준 두분  민중씨, 세정씨 보고싶을 거에요 = )



올해 여름을 함께한 현경씨, 초롱씨까지 수고 많으셨습니다!



모두 아이아크의 소중한 인연들입니다^^







Posted by iarc




아이아크와 함께 일하실 의향이 있으신 분들은 아래의 이메일 주소로 포트폴리오와 이력서를

보내주시기 바랍니다.




When applying an intership or position at iarc architects.
Please send your resume and portfolio to Career@iarc.net





Posted by iarc


폴란드에서 온 Marcin은 Cracow University of Technology를 졸업하고 3월부터 iArc-Internship에 참여하고 있는데요. 재미있는 발상과 프로덕션 실력을 보여주는 친구입니다^^

훈훈한 미소와 실력을 겸비한 Marcin^^  Way to go!



[Marcin Said]

-For some time i was thinking about going to Asia to gain new experience and learn some new approach to design and architecture. When that possibility occurred fortunately i found an internship opportunity in iarc and I am no disappointed, work in here is a very interesting and creative. Very good organization of work and atmosphere are other advantages. Besides it is also great opportunity for me to get know Korea and Korean culture. Already after one month of stay i can say that was very good decision.



Posted by iarc