러시아 블라디보스톡의 Far Eastern Federal University 가 주최하는 "ARCH'PACIFIC-2016" 행사에 유걸 건축가가 초청 강연이 예정되어 있습니다

이번 행사는 4월 25~30일간 열리며 다양한 전시 및 컨퍼런스와 워크샵을 통해 건축 전반에 대한 이슈 및 정보를 공유하는 자리가 될 것입니다.

이 기간 중 Far Eastern Federal University 에서 학생과 대학을 상대로 25일 오늘 강연이 있을 예정인데요 아래 강연 내용 중 일부 요약을 공유합니다!

Mass customization of Architecture

Creating and living in one's own is not only an act of joy but also is a basic right of individual human being.

Even though to have such a place is beyond reach for most of the people except few who can affort to do it.

Every Architectural process requires to survey the site, enalize the program and study the cultural and social context in which the project to be located. From planning to design and construction, the building process consumes long period of time and cost. Professionals in construction industry have been working hard to develop a cost effective system in design, manufacturing and construction field. Yet the rigidity of built nature and labor oriented industry has the limit to make it flexible enough to fit various need and want of different individuals and affordable to them.

General solution, instead of customized solution, is needed more than any time today.

The technological advancement of today, shed some light to formulate general architectural solution for people.

This general solution is not a same solution for everybody. The general solution could be more like a formula which could provide various results depend on the input of variables. These variables are the different needs and want by different individuals.

We also have automated fabrication technology which produce architectural component direct from design file.

We have all the tools to make the architectural solution general and fabricate it through automated production line. What we need to do it is to push the horizon of architectural understanding and broaden our imagination. Then every people will live in their own customized place.


Kerl Yoo

Posted by iarc