폴란드에서 온 Marcin은 Cracow University of Technology를 졸업하고 3월부터 iArc-Internship에 참여하고 있는데요. 재미있는 발상과 프로덕션 실력을 보여주는 친구입니다^^
훈훈한 미소와 실력을 겸비한 Marcin^^ Way to go!
[Marcin Said]
-For some time i was thinking about going to Asia to gain new experience and learn some new approach to design and architecture. When that possibility occurred fortunately i found an internship opportunity in iarc and I am no disappointed, work in here is a very interesting and creative. Very good organization of work and atmosphere are other advantages. Besides it is also great opportunity for me to get know Korea and Korean culture. Already after one month of stay i can say that was very good decision.