동대문 디자인 플라자 & 공원 프로젝트 매니저로 한국에서 현재 활동 중인 에디 캔이 “디지털 크래프트맨쉽”이라는 제목으로 아이아크에서 워크샵을 갖습니다. MIT 미디어 랩에서 [Aesthetics and Computation Group, 디자인과 컴퓨테이션] 수료하였으며 현재 자하 하디드 건축디자인에서 자하와 함께 다양한 프로젝트를 맡아 진행하고 있으며 베니스 비엔날레, ICA 같은 국제 전시등에 참여한 경험이 있습니다. 좋은 대담이 형성되도록 많은 분들의 참석을 바랍니다.
Digital Craftmanship
Eddie Can Chiu Fai
Craft: the skilled practice of a practical occupation.
Technics: the method of performance in any art.
Technology: the body of tools and other implements produced for specific purposes.
Digital technology means the data processing, transfer of information, intelligent control and many other multi-dimensional technologies that on the basis of computer technology. It will not only make the building more automatic, more efficient and more intelligent, but also have an all-sided infl uence to the traditional architecture through the computer technology and digital techniques. In the area of architecture design, including the traditional thinking, method, craftsmanship and the constitution of architectural space and form, are also changing and developing in order to advancing with the times.
As a platform for combination of craft techniques, digital dexterity and design sensibility—the nucleus of contemporary architecture design, Digital Craftsmanship puts forward some considerations about design ideas as well as research/construction methods of architecture in digital age and the trend and possibility of the architecture development under the action of digitization technics.
Digital Craftmanship
Eddie Can Chiu Fai
Craft: the skilled practice of a practical occupation.
Technics: the method of performance in any art.
Technology: the body of tools and other implements produced for specific purposes.
Digital technology means the data processing, transfer of information, intelligent control and many other multi-dimensional technologies that on the basis of computer technology. It will not only make the building more automatic, more efficient and more intelligent, but also have an all-sided infl uence to the traditional architecture through the computer technology and digital techniques. In the area of architecture design, including the traditional thinking, method, craftsmanship and the constitution of architectural space and form, are also changing and developing in order to advancing with the times.
As a platform for combination of craft techniques, digital dexterity and design sensibility—the nucleus of contemporary architecture design, Digital Craftsmanship puts forward some considerations about design ideas as well as research/construction methods of architecture in digital age and the trend and possibility of the architecture development under the action of digitization technics.